This type of gathering follows the AIM Pattern or "three-thirds" to help seekers discover what the word of God is about. It is very similar to a the pattern used for disciples.

The heart of this pattern of meeting is the discovery Bible study (DBS), a method for studying the Bible that enables each participant to read and discover what God is saying through His word.  Instead of teaching directly to impart information, the facilitator asks a set of simple questions to help them understand what is being said and discern how God wants them to repond.  The simplicity of the questions permits this method to be reproduced easily.

The download link will give you a bookmark for this type of group.  Print the page, then flip it over and print the same on the other side.  Then cut into 4 complete 2-sided bookmarks.Instructions:

An AIM "three-thirds" group for unbelievers is usually practiced in a house of peace with several seekers.  Group time should not exceed one hour, with each "third" being about 15-20 minutes.  A prepared method using this pattern is called Hope in a Broken World.

In a classroom training environment, the AIM group for unbelievers is a model group to train disciples how to engage unbelievers in a discovery-based Bible study session. It also helps participants understand how unbelievers think and learn.

For training in larger groups, divide them into smaller groups and appoint a facilitator for each one.  Other participants will pretend to be seekers, or agree to look at the passage with fresh eyes, and will interact with one another in simulation as a training exercise. 

Leading the Session

The group session follows the AIM "three-thirds" pattern.  During the middle segment, the facilitator asks someone to read the passage aloud.  It is helpful for a second person to read it again from another translation for clarity.  The ask the following questions:

  1. What does this passage teach us about God, or Jesus, or about God's nature?
  2. What does this passage teach us about people or human nature?
  3. Where do you see yourself in this story?
  4. What is the one thing that God wants you to do now?
  5. Who else needs to hear what you have learned today?

Essential Guidelines:

  • Be sure to let everyone participate.
  • Let participants do most of the talking  (trainer 30%, group 70%).
  • Let the Holy Spirit be the primary teacher.
  • Don’t demand correct answers, and where possible, let participants correct one another on the basis of what the Scripture says.
  • Don’t discuss politics or religion.  Stick with the Bible.
  • Stay on topic.
  • Watch for the way the Holy Spirit is working to change people's hearts.
  • Keep it short, especially if you are in someone else's home (45 minutes to 1 hour).

"Stories of Hope"

A listing of key passages that are good to use with seekers, as they help people see Jesus in a way they may have never perceived Him:

The Outcast    (Luke 7.36-50)
Two Men in the Temple    (Luke 18.9-17)
The Adulterous Woman    (John 8.1-11)
Healing of the Paralytic    (Mark 2.1-12)
Two Births / Nicodemus    (John 3.1-18)
Two Rich Men    (Luke 18.18-30; 19:1-10)
The Good Shepherd    (John 10.1-30)
Woes to the Pharisees    (Matt 23.1-33)
The Prodigal Son    (Luke 15.11-32)
The Samaritan Woman    (John 4.1-30; 39-42)