Everything we do must begin with God! We work in His field which we cultivate for His glory. Understanding our Heavenly Father’s heart is the key to all we do.  Our motivation for work we do should come from a clear understanding of God’s perspective on the world–His heart for the nations. This comes by hearing and obeying His word, and through abiding in Him through prayer. When disciples gather, we must constantly remind one another of what matters most to our Heavenly Father, by casting vision so people will see the “big picture” and not lose sight of Kingdom priorities.ision-casting is an essential activity of leadership for every group or church, yet it is one of the most neglected elements. Without vision, people forget their purpose and direction, lose their focus, and they fall back into a self-service mode. You must be faithful to cast a clear vision—a picture of what God sees—to mobilise disciples in mission.Vision-casting is an essential activity of leadership for every group or church, yet it is one of the most neglected elements. Without vision, people forget their purpose and direction, lose their focus, and they fall back into a self-service mode. You must be faithful to cast a clear vision—a picture of what God sees—to mobilise disciples in mission.